EU Exercises

Civil protection exercises are fundamental to prepare civil protection teams to react fast and in a coordinated manner when disasters occur.
Disasters, whether man-made or caused by natural hazards, can have serious effects on communities and the areas they live in. It is essential to ensure that civil protection respurces are at all times ready to respond to crises in the most efficient manner, saving as many lives as possible and limiting damage to the environment and property.
Civil protection exercises are fundamental to prepare civil protection teams to react fast and in a coordinated manner when disasters occur. Exercises at European level, involving a number of countries at a time, contribute to enhancing collaboration in disaster preparedness across borders.
Alongside full-scale exercises, which are organised by civil protection authorities of countries and co-financed by the EU, modules field and table-top exercises are organised under the supervision of the European Commission. They are conducted to improve preparedness and enhance collaboration among European civil protection authorities and teams.
Modules field exercises aim to provide an opportunity for testing specific response capacities, as well as the self-sufficiency, interoperability, coordination and procedures of response teams and equipment. Table-top exercises, in turn, focus on in-depth training of key personnel.
The European Commission's Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations department funds a number of civil protection exercises every year.
DSB has received funding from the European Commission for several exercises:
2011: SkagEx11
2015: HarbourEx15
2016: Triplex
2017: Scope
2020: ArcticREIHN
>> Photo gallery from exercices on DSBs Flickr profile
Contact DSB: Tor Honningsvåg,